The choices we make day to day can have a huge cumulative affect on our quality of life. By being aware of the way we think and act we can create dramatic changes in our health and wellbeing. It is up to us as individuals and as a community to create an environment that is conducive to growth, healing and enhancing our health.
As chiropractors we work to bring the body into a state of harmony. Our methods are aimed at supporting principles of homeostasis - the human body's ability to maintain health and balance on an innate level. We believe when your whole system is working coherently it is able to express greater levels of health and wellbeing. As health professionals we've continued our training across many different modalities so that we can offer
As health care practitioners we are here not only to facilitate changes in your body, but to help you cultivate a strong awareness and connection between body and mind. Providing you with tools and information to change how you feel and how you function.
As chiropractors we work to bring the body into a state of harmony. Our methods are aimed at supporting principles of homeostasis - the human body's ability to maintain health and balance on an innate level. We believe when your whole system is working coherently it is able to express greater levels of health and wellbeing. As health professionals we've continued our training across many different modalities so that we can offer
As health care practitioners we are here not only to facilitate changes in your body, but to help you cultivate a strong awareness and connection between body and mind. Providing you with tools and information to change how you feel and how you function.
Meet Our Chiropractors
Dr. Tim Ford
Ever curious about the workings of body & mind, Tim headed off to Chiropractic College in Durban in 2004. Since then, his journey as a health practitioner has seen him work across many different aspects of chiropractic and health - from district hospitals in South Africa, to working as a volunteer & clinical supervisor for international NGO World Spine Care in rural Botswana and Tanzania, to private practice in NZ.
Tim is a certified practitioner of Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) an holistic chiropractic technique encompassing spinal adjusting, visceral/soft tissue reflex techniques & specific cranial work. Tim's other areas of interest are in Concussion Management (CCMI) & Selective Functional Movement Systems (SFMS). Tim is also a Wim Hof Method Instructor (certified Level 2) - having experienced the powerful changes associated with breathwork and icy plunges, both have become a way of life for him - you'll find info on his workshops here Tim's passion lies in helping people to understand, overcome and be an active participant in their health. |
Dr. Roisin Ford
Roisin enjoys exploring various methods and philosophical approaches to health. Her training has included Sacro Occipital Technique, Network Spinal Analysis , Neuro Emotional Technique, the Hale technique and Manual techniques. A long standing interest in movement starting out with Yoga and dance in childhood has evolved over time to be a central tenet of Roisin's life and practice.